Game Details

Each Tower Siege Base Deck includes the following cards:

Player Cards
6 Mages
     - Human
     - Weefolk
     - Dwarf
     - Elf
     - Galwan
     - Gnome
6 Towers
7 Base Mines
7 Base Powerstones
1 Spent Gold
1 Spent Power
1 Quick Reference
1 Action Status
1 Caravan
Marketplace Cards
10 Marketplace Mines
10 Marketplace Powerstones
4 Relics
     - Dramour’s Cauldron
     - Obelisk
     - Shadow Gate
     - Tower Shield

Marketplace Cards
12 Minions
     - Alchemist
     - Bowman
     - Carrion Crow
     - Dragon
     - Dungeon Dweller
     - Ghoul
     - Hero
     - Siege Turtle
     - Skeleton
     - Stone Mason
     - War Wolf
     - Zombie
12 Items
     - Battle Steed
     - Chainmail Armor
     - Gate
     - Light Helm
     - Metal Bracers
     - Ring of Spellcasting
     - Ring of Strength
     - Short Bow
     - Small Shield
     - Staff
     - Sword
     - Wand of Fire
12 Scrolls
     - Battle Truce
     - Bazaar
     - Bind
     - Black Plague
     - Fortify
     - Fury
     - Life Surge
     - Mage Armor
     - Power Blast
     - Ruin
     - Sand Storm
     - Waste

It’s not about collecting, it’s about the game!

Every player has access to all the cards (no randomized expansions or starters). Arcane Games believes in giving players a fair starting point. Our goal is to make a great game people will enjoy playing for years without spending a fortune.

Click here to see the deck expansions